Call to Worship October 24 2021

Expository Thoughts on 1 Samuel 26:12-25

David stood on a hill top in the distance across from Saul’s camp with Saul’s spear and canteen. First, he called out to Abner and all of Saul’s men. He ruffled their rousing minds and made them aware of their failure to protect the king. David put all of them on notice that they were in danger and not him. David had been led and protected by the LORD. Saul was powerless and defenseless against God’s judgment.[1] Saul had hoped for David’s demise, only this time God planned a final call of repentance to Saul. 

David revered Saul according to his title and not his behavior. Saul had been anointed as King by God alone. David kept a proper recognition of God’s anointing of Saul even when his behavior was less than worthy of his office. David had not previously killed him or allowed his servant to kill him (11-12). Furthermore, David possessed a willingness to put his heart and actions before the Lord.[2] He called upon Saul to reason: who had set Saul against David, was it the LORD or men? If it was the LORD, then he may be approached by sacrifice for forgiveness of sin. If God is willing to forgive, would not the king be willing as well? If it was men who had set Saul against David, then they are cursed. They drove out a servant such as David to the lands of those who serve other gods. He would be cut off from his inheritance and forced to dwell in lands where there was no place and hope for the public worship of God.[3] Therefore, God used David to call into account Saul’s heart and actions (18-19).  

David respected Saul’s title and office, he heard his words of repentance, but did not place complete trust in his words. David remembered previous nefarious actions after hearing similar words of contrition. So, David did not walk into the camp and return the spear. He called for Saul to send a man to retrieve it from him (20-22). David used prudent wisdom of the Lord to assess the words of his enemy apart from simply considering his office. 

We are reminded to respect certain offices or authorities, but not to yield complete control of our minds and lives over to them. May we give those who govern us proper respect according to their God-granted stations and titles, by thoughtfully praying for them. After all, Christians are commanded to this task of prayer (I Timothy 2:1-4). It is often much easier to inwardly curse them than to earnestly lift them up to our God. Remember, He placed them in their position and holds their heart in His hand. He has many ways in which to guide them and judge them according to his omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience. Better to remember God’s infinite and eternal knowledge than to think of yourself as the only hope for humanity. 

Hopefully, our charity in praying for them will not suggest to us that we must completely trust their statements of moral values and campaign promises. We must not worship government and other entities, thinking they will solve our problems. May we seek to answer the questions of our lives according to the commands of Christ in all that we do and say. David remembered that the covenant LORD was His sovereign. May we remember the same. May we understand God revealed to the world His sovereignty through His Son Jesus the Messiah. He is our King and we must bow to him first and foremost. Soli Deo Gloria!   

[1] Dale Ralph Davis, I Samuel: Looking on the Heart, (Christian Focus Pub., 2014.), pg. 273.

[2] Gordon Keddie, Dawn of a Kingdom: The Message of I Samuel, Welwyn Commentary Series, (England, Evangelical Press, 1988.), 245-246.

[3] Davis, pg. 274-275.