Call to Worship
(Tomorrow) we worship God our Father maker of heaven and earth. Unlike an earthly Father he is righteous in all ways. He never makes mistakes, so we can truly call Him our rock! He is perfect and therefore always faithful as our Father. We must not forget when the wrong of the world seems reinforced and strong, we still live in our Father’s world. He will lead us and guide us even through the toughest trials in this world. He gave His Son as our Shepherd, so we should not fear. The evil one has power in the world, but our Father has conquered the evil one through the person and work of Jesus our great Shepherd. So, by the power of the Spirit in us, we will praise the King of heaven. Praise Him for His favor in times of distress and ease. We must praise Him as our Father who gently bears us and disciplines for our good. We must praise Him as the God of Grace.