Call to Worship April 14 2019
“I know not but there is the same objective, fullness, and sufficiency in the obedience and sufferings of Christ, for the salvation of sinners, as there is in the Holy Spirit for their renovation: both are infinite, yet both are applied under the direction of infinite wisdom and uncontrollable sovereignty. But great and necessary as this mercy is, if nothing more than this had been done, not one of the human race had ever been saved. It is necessary to our salvation, that a way, and a highway to God should be opened; Christ is such a way; but considering the depravity of human nature, it is equally necessary that some effectual provision be made for our walking in that way. We conceive, Christ made such provision by his death; thereby procuring the certain bestowment of faith, as well as all other spiritual blessings, which follow upon it, that, in regard of all the sons who are finally brought to glory, he was the surety, or captain, of their salvation; that their salvation was, properly speaking, the end or design of his death.”
(Jesse Mercer letter to Cyrus White)