Call To Worship June 7 2015

We worship our God who reigns in perfection. The holiness of God makes His commands faultless, therefore He is not capable of commanding anything that is not perfect. He commands our praise not because he needs it, but it is the right and holy mindset and action to fulfill. Yet our sin is so great it renders us incapable of obedience to God’s law and precepts. Man does not praise God rightly due to a sin sickness, but man is dead in sin. So, we come to worship and recognize our sin for the affront it is to the being of God. We cannot give true adoration apart from a proper understanding of who God is and who man is. He is holy and we are law breakers. These truths shed glorious light on the actuality of the gospel. God, by His grace, sent His Son to die for disobedient law breakers who are dead in their trespasses and sins. “Let us love, and sing, and wonder, Let us praise the Savior’s name! He has hushed the law’s loud thunder, He has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame; He has washed us with his blood, He has brought us near to God.” (John Newton, Trinity Hymnal, 127) We come not to glory in man, but to Glory in the Triune God alone. All praise to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Pastor Brandon F Smith