Call To Worship – October 18 2015
We worship our God who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. Often the power of God is reduced to those works in the present that have benefitted us personally in some way. The scripture implores us to look back historically at the many works of God. His might is declared in the creation account and the flood of condemnation with its subsequent rehabitation of the earth through the line of Noah. Recognize God’s strength and protection of the covenant through Abraham and the times of Moses. Many trials occurred in their lives and the people they led. Abraham failed in truthfulness, but God sustained the covenant. Moses watched the Israelites balk at the provisions God gave to them in the wilderness, but God never disowned His people. In the time of Joshua He guarded Israel and defeat only came upon them at His ordained time for His purpose. Not all Israel was true Israel. Among the nation Israel was a remnant who were truly His for eternity and no one was able to snatch them from His hand. Paul entreats us to look to the power of God in the past to stand on the promises of God for the present and the future. God’s power that works within us by grace is indelibly connected to His power revealed in His historic acts of providence. So we praise Him, in Christ, by the Spirit, for He is the glory in the church. Pastor Brandon F Smith