Call to Worship September 5 2021

Expository Thoughts on 1 Samuel 20 Security is what most people want in life. Excitement and variation are enjoyable for a little while or in controlled circumstances, but few people desire constant change or chaos. Saul had become, as my grandmother might say, “a regular royal pain in the patooty.” His fits of rage and mood swings fluctuated more than a driver in five o’clock Atlanta traffic….

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Call to Worship December 13 2020

“(Luke 1:26-33) We should notice, in the first place — the lowly and unassuming manner in which the Savior of mankind came among us.The angel who announced His coming, was sent to an obscure town of Galilee, named Nazareth. The woman who was honored to be our Lord’s mother, was evidently in a humble position of life. Both in her station and her dwelling-place, there was an…

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Call to Worship June 23 2019

The Lord’s Supper by Thomas Watson “Branch 1. Was Christ’s body broken for us? Let us be deeply affected with the great love of Christ. Who can tread upon these hot coals, and his heart not burn? Cry out with Ignatius, ’Christ, my love, is crucified!’ If a friend should die for us—would not our hearts be much affected with his kindness? That the God of heaven should die for us—how should this…

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