Call to Worship
Today we worship the God of all comfort. Have you ever wondered what was wrong with David that he always had so many enemies? Perhaps he was a bad leader, or had a grumpy disposition, perhaps he looked mean, or maybe he was just paranoid. In reality, although he was not perfect, David was a man who hated sin and the prevailing world system. David, by God’s grace in the Messiah to come, desired to live in a manner pleasing to God. Yet, often the people around him disdained true godliness. These people were his enemies and they desired David’s demise in any fashion possible. David did not long to pledge allegiance to the world because he knew they would not care for him in return. He sought the refuge of the almighty God for He is the only comfort for the believer. He is the God who gives perseverance when the world encircles us. He under girds us with encouragement when sin entangles us. He strengthens us by His Spirit with one mind in the word of grace according to Christ Jesus. Glory be given to the one God in three persons who always comforts the saints.
Pastor Brandon F Smith