Let us worship Jesus, the Son of God, who was born of a virgin and laid in a manger. He lived perfectly, died a sinner’s death, was buried, was resurrected and ascended to be with God the Father. All of these truths form the foundation for salvation and the proper functioning of God’s people in the New Covenant. Jesus Christ descended from on high as the incarnate…
Call To Worship – December 13 2015
We worship the one living and sovereign God. He has authority over all of creation and all will submit to Him, although they are submitting in providence whether they think so or not. So it is with Paul’s use of Psalm 68 as he points to the authority of Christ. God gave all authority to His Son in whom He is well pleased. Furthermore, Paul revealed Christ’s…
Call To Worship – December 6 2015
Today we come to worship our triumphant God who reigns over all of the cosmos. His authority knows no bounds on the earth or in all the heavens. Paul magnified this truth from Psalm 68 and focused the metaphor on the work of the Messiah. God gave the Son and He descended to the earth in His incarnation. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, lived sinless…
Call To Worship – November 22 2015
We worship our one God whose essence establishes the unity of the church. “The Lord our God is but one only living and true God; whose subsistence is in and of Himself…In this divine being their three subsistences, the Father, the Word (Son), and the Holy Spirit, of one substance, power and eternity, each having the whole divine essence, yet the essence undivided.” The London Baptist Confession…
Call to Worship – December 15 2015
We worship our Triune God who set fast the foundation of our unity in gospel truth. No other unity exists for the Christian, but in the understanding of the biblical gospel. Paul sought to express the importance of unity and peace not in an abstract manner, but through the doctrine previously taught to the believers in Ephesus. Jews and Gentiles alike were brought into the covenant through…
Call To Worship November 8 2015
We worship our God who calls us to walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus. Cain and Abel were called to offer a sacrifice to God. God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice, but “he had no regard” for Cain’s sacrifice. The text is not explicit as to the reason for God’s displeasure. Yet, no matter the reason, God was displeased and Cain’s reaction tells the whole…
Call To Worship November 1 2015
We worship our God who calls us to walk worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus. Cain and Abel were called to offer a sacrifice to God. God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice, but “he had no regard” for Cain’s sacrifice. The text is not explicit as to the reason for God’s displeasure. Yet, no matter the reason, God was displeased and Cain’s reaction tells the whole…
Call To Worship October 25 2015
We worship our God who revealed to us what to believe and how to live. God gave His church objective doctrine, which directs believers to the imperatives of the Christian life. Paul bridged the gap between doctrinal facts and faithful Christian living as he wrote the second half of his letter to the Ephesians. He established the necessity of right doctrine and practice. Neither precise doctrine nor…
Call To Worship – October 18 2015
We worship our God who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. Often the power of God is reduced to those works in the present that have benefitted us personally in some way. The scripture implores us to look back historically at the many works of God. His might is declared in the creation account and the flood of condemnation…
Call To Worship October 4 2015
We worship our God who names every family in heaven and on earth. He also judges all matters and peoples according to His righteousness. Paul prayed to God for the church, those of Israel and among the Gentiles, who were called to life in Christ Jesus alone. He prayed that believers would be strengthened in the Spirit, so that Christ may dwell in them according to the…