Call to Worship April 26 2015

We worship the God who condescended to us in His word and gave us prayer to commune with Him through His word. Paul tells the church in Ephesus not only that he prays, but he also makes mention of them in his prayers. So, God through His servant Paul extends the importance of prayer from the Old Testament into the New Testament. Most of the prayers of the Psalmists declare the greatness of God especially toward His people. So, Paul follows suit in His letter to the saints at Ephesus. He prays that they are enlightened, among other things, to the surpassing greatness of God’s power toward those who believe. Paul not only continues with the activity of prayer, but he perpetuates the continuity and content of prayer. Let us worship today thinking rightly about prayer and continuing to gain understanding of our God in His word through prayer. Pastor Brandon F Smith