Call To Worship April 7 2019

“But the word of God declares to us, again and again, that man fell from his holy and happy estate. We have not only the voice of reason declaring to us the same truth, but we have also observation, and painful and bitter experience. Should any one be disposed, for a moment, to doubt what the word of God says on the subject, we call upon such a one to look, yea, take only one hasty glance at the moral desolations which sin has created in the earth, and spread over the face of a convulsed world!”

(James Hall Tanner Kilpatrick, “Sermons of J.H.T. Kilpatrick A.M., Sermon X, God’s Willingness to Save Sinners,” in The Georgia Pulpit or Minister’s Yearly Offering Vol. I, ed. Robert Fleming (Richmond, H.K. Elyson, 1847), 117.)

“That man is fallen from his primeval rectitude, and is filled with diabolical pride and unbelief, is a rebel against his rightful Sovereign, and guilty of the highest ingratitude, and an enemy to God by wicked works; his conscience defiled, and his mind enmity: That from this deplorable and wretched state he can only be recovered by the perfect righteousness, efficient intercession of a glorious advocate and surety JESUS CHRIST.” (W.D. Lane, Minutes of the Georgia Baptist Association 1805: Circular Letter (Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Tarver Library Special Collections/Archives), 9. Microfilm.)