Call To Worship – December 6 2015

Today we come to worship our triumphant God who reigns over all of the cosmos. His authority knows no bounds on the earth or in all the heavens. Paul magnified this truth from Psalm 68 and focused the metaphor on the work of the Messiah. God gave the Son and He descended to the earth in His incarnation. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary, lived sinless in His humanity and in accord with His perfect deity. He was tempted in every sense in His humanity, but He never sinned. His life led Him all the way to the cross and He bled and died for sinners. He was placed in a tomb, yet He did not undergo decay. He arose from the grave on the third day and forty days later He ascended to be with the Father in heaven. Just as the Father was worshipped as Provider and Deliverer in Psalm 68, Paul displayed the conquering work of Christ as congruent with Psalm 68. Christ has filled all things in and of Himself. Therefore, we must glory in the Son, for this will give praise to the Father through the Spirit. We worship the triune God who rules triumphantly over all the universe.