Call To Worship July 26 2015

We worship our God who covenanted and ordered salvation before the foundation of the world. God made an intra-Trinitarian covenant, according to his preordained plan, to save those persons He chose for salvation by His Grace. He did not covenant or plan to save anyone, but the elect. He did not choose or promise to save every single individual who ever lived on the earth. If He did then He has miserably failed. He promised to save His people who were predestined before time began. Yes, we are saddened for the many who do not believe and will suffer the judgement and wrath of God. Yet, just as Adam chose to sin, and His sin was imputed to the whole of the human race, so have all other unrepentant sinners, freely and willingly, chosen to sin. They think and act as they please and it pleases sinners to disobey the commands and authority of God. So, glory be to God who elected His people to salvation. All that He elected were given to the Son and the Son was the sacrificial offering on our behalf. He accomplished the atoning work necessary to reconcile the elect to the Father. Christ shed His blood for the church, God’ elected people, and completed only what the Father preordained. The Father planned to save His people, a peculiar people (Titus 2:14 KJV), and He will not lose one of them. So, Christ did not die for people that God did not elect. If Jesus died for every single individual on the earth then the electing plan of God has failed, Christ was disobedient in His purpose to do the will of the Father, Christ substitutionary death failed, and people have been able to overcome the will of the Father, the purpose of God’s Son and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let us give glory to our God today for no one will snatch one of His elect from His almighty hand. God planned to save His people. He saved the elect through His Son via the ongoing application of salvation by His Spirit.
Pastor Brandon F Smith