Call to Worship July 28 2019
The Lord’s Supper by Thomas Watson
“7. We must come with hearts fired with LOVE to Christ. The spouse said, ‘I am sick with love,’ Song of Solomon 2:5. Let us give Christ the wine of our love to drink—and weep that we can love Him no more. Would we have Christ’s exhilarating presence in the supper? Let us meet Him with strong endearments of affection. Basil compares love to a fragrant ointment. Christ delights to smell this perfume! The disciple who loved most—Christ put in His bosom.
8. We must come with HUMBLE hearts. We see Christ humbling Himself unto death. Will a humble Christ ever be received into a proud heart? A sight of God’s glory, and a sight of sin—will humble us. Was Christ humble—who was all purity? And are we proud—who are all leprosy? O let us come with a sense of our own vileness. How humble should he be, who is to receive alms of free grace! Jesus Christ is a lily of the valley, Song of Solomon 2:1, not of the mountains. Humility was never a loser. The emptier the vessel is, and the lower it is let down into the well—the more water it draws up. So the more the soul is emptied of itself, and the lower it is let down by humility—the more it fetches out of the well of salvation. God will come into a humble heart to revive it, Isaiah 57:15.
9. We must come with HEAVENLY hearts. The mystery of the Lord’s Supper is heavenly. What would an earthworm do here? He is not likely to feed on Christ’s body and blood who, with the serpent, eats dust. The Lord’s Supper is called ‘communion,’ 1 Corinthians 10:16. What communion can an earthly man have with a heavenly Christ? First, there must be conformity before communion. He who is earthly is no more conformed in likeness to Christ—than a clod of dust is like a star. An earthly man makes the world his god. Then let him not think to receive another God in the Lord’s Supper. O let us be in the heavenly altitudes and, by the wing of grace, ascend!
10. We must come with BELIEVING hearts. Christ gave the Lord’s Supper to the apostles, principally as they were believers. Such as come faithless—go away fruitless. Nor it is enough to have the principle of faith. We must exert and put forth the vigorous actings of faith in this ordinance.”