Call to Worship June 14 2015

We worship our God who is almighty and sovereign over salvation. God planned and ordained all things which have come to pass. He created all things and nothing escaped His almighty hand. The fall of man after creation did not go unpunished. Death spiritually became the plight of all mankind due to the sin of Adam and Eve. Yet God, being rich and merciful toward those whom He predestined, saved many who were dead in their sins and trespasses. So, we praise the Lord, the almighty, as He is our salvation. We did nothing for our salvation, but contribute sin and the deadness of our souls. God planned and completed, through His son Jesus Christ alone by the Holy Spirit, the salvation of all of His people. We should honor and praise our God today that He chose us first and did not leave us in the deadness of our sins. We could not raise ourselves, so give thanks to the Triune God for not only His grace, but His mighty power to raise sinners from the dead. He made us alive in Christ! .

Pastor Brandon F Smith