Call To Worship March 27 2016
We worship our God who committed His Son to die for sinners. Yet, we must not forget that the Son, Jesus Christ, submitted to the will of the Father. Jesus walked perfectly without sin and was whipped, beaten, and crucified as the only sacrifice capable of saving sinners from the wrath of God. Also, His death was the only perfect way for God to accomplish the redemption of those He loved before the foundation of the world. The obedience of Christ to live and die for sinners illustrated numerous relational elements in Christianity. Paul specified these relational connections to the local body in Ephesus. The submission of the wife to the husband was as to the Lord. The love of the husband to the wife was as Christ loved the church and died for her. Children were commanded to obey their parents, and slaves their masters, in submission to the Lord, according to Paul. Submission is the foundation for our salvation and sanctification. Every Sunday is “Resurrection Sunday”, so we must come in submission to the Lord Jesus who surrendered himself on our behalf in propitiation and as an example for our everyday life in Christ. Pastor Brandon F Smith