Call to Worship November 10 2019
It is very precious to trace all mercies to their source. The infinite greatness of GOD, and the infinite littleness of man, are in these verses most suitably brought together, by way of demonstrating, to the full, the wonderful properties of distinguishing grace. Nothing but distinguishing grace can be the cause assigned for GOD’S mercy. The love of GOD is the source, the first, the predisposing, the original, and only cause. The blood of JESUS, the price given for the purchase; and the HOLY SPIRIT, the whole cause of application. Reader! dwell upon that very sweet expression only; the LORD’S delight, his pleasure, his will, is the cause of my happiness. This will be to give GOD the glory, and bring heartfelt comfort to the soul.
THINK, my soul, from the perusal of this Chapter, what a gracious GOD you have to do with, who when you broke both tables of the commandment, had graciously condescended to furnish you afresh: and had put his written law, as a covenant, ratified and fulfilled in the person of his dear SON, in the ark of mercy, as an everlasting security for your perfect obedience. And think again, with heartfelt thankfulness and praise, that in your glorious Surety and Representative, all that the LORD your GOD requires of you has been answered. JESUS is indeed the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believes. Blessed SPIRIT! You do circumcise my heart, and cause me to be no more stiff-necked. Unless purified by you, and preserved by your sin-subduing influence, what am I but a mass of corruption, and still remaining in the uncircumcision of carnal nature? Oh! for your purifying, preserving, and renewing influences, that being called out of the state of a stranger in Egypt, as all my fathers were, I may be found among the number of the children of GOD, and my lot may be among the saints!”