Call To Worship October 25 2015
We worship our God who revealed to us what to believe and how to live. God gave His church objective doctrine, which directs believers to the imperatives of the Christian life. Paul bridged the gap between doctrinal facts and faithful Christian living as he wrote the second half of his letter to the Ephesians. He established the necessity of right doctrine and practice. Neither precise doctrine nor proper practice are mutually exclusive, but both are necessary for the Christian. Paul previously focused his hearers on the one true God. In chapter four Paul turns the focus to his commands for those who believe in the God he formerly explained to them in the letter. Paul knew the falsity of faith in God that did not lead to living according to God’s commands. He implored the church to strive toward faithfulness in Christ. As we gather may we worship and honor our LORD who does not leave us to wander aimlessly. Instead, He gives us foundations for living and instructions in walking in accord with His gospel. Soli Deo Gloria!
Pastor Brandon Smith