Call to Worship – September 20 2015

We worship our God who is our stronghold and refuge. Paul wrote to the Ephesians from prison and asked the Ephesians not to lose heart at his troubles. He believed his tribulations occurred for the good of the Gentiles. He withstood his trials on their behalf. Paul knew the Father’s plan for him, as the apostle to the Gentiles, so he obediently endured prison. Paul’s obedience encourages us to trust in the Lord through our trials and tribulations. No matter the struggles of life, which befall us by God’s providence, God will be our stronghold and our refuge. We have as a guarantor of these promises His Son the Lord Jesus (a friend of sinners). Also, those regenerated by the Spirit are sealed by Him and these assurances are ours by adoption. The one God in three persons is our Rock through all the travails of life. Pastor Brandon F Smith