Call To Worship – September 27 2015

We worship our God who planned and accomplished the salvation of people from all different nations. He revealed His salvific plan even to the Gentiles. The totality of His plan was made through covenant before time existed. Yet, the fullness of the plan was accomplished through His Son by the Spirit in the fullness of time. God ordained the means to accomplish the plan and the means to communicate His plan which was realized for His glory. In a day when music is considered worship even if preaching is absent from the gathering, may we never forget the importance of the preached word. God designed His word preached as the means to convey His message to the world. We gather on the Lord’s Day to worship our God and preaching is a vital part of our worship. So, Lord we come to hear your word and put aside the intrusions of the world. We desire to hear of, “The Lamb upon His throne,” and how, “the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its own: Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee, and Hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity.” Pastor Brandon F Smith