Call to Worship September 6 2019
The Lord’s Supper by Thomas Watson
“COMFORT to God’s people.
1. From Christ’s broken body and His blood poured out, we may gather this comfort—that it was a glorious sacrifice.
It was a sacrifice of infinite merit. Had it been only an angel that suffered, or had Christ been only a mere man, as some blasphemously dream—then we might have despaired of salvation. But He suffered for us—who was God as well as man. Therefore, the apostle expressly calls it ’the blood of God,’ Acts 20:28. It is man who sins. It is God in our nature who dies!
This is sovereign medicine to believers. Christ having poured out His blood—now God’s justice is completely satisfied. God was infinitely more content with Christ’s sufferings upon mount Calvary—than if we had lain in hell and undergone His wrath forever! The blood of Christ has quenched the flame of Divine fury! And, now, what should we fear? All are enemies are either reconciled or subdued. God is a reconciled enemy–and sin is a subdued enemy. ‘Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is Christ who died!’ Romans 8:34. When the devil accuses us—let us show him the cross of Christ! When he brings his pencil and goes to paint our sins in their heinous colors—let us bring the sponge of Christ’s blood, and that will wipe them out again! All bonds are cancelled. Whatever the law has charged upon us, is discharged. The debt-book is crossed out—with the blood of the Lamb!
It was a sacrifice of eternal extent. The benefit of it is perpetuated. ‘He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us,’ Hebrews 9:12. Therefore, Christ is said to be a Priest forever, Hebrews 5:6, because the virtue and comfort of His sacrifice abides forever.
2. Christ’s blood being shed, believers may lay claim to all heavenly privileges. Wills are ratified by the death of the testator. ‘A testament is of force after men are dead,’ Hebrews 9:17. It is observable in the text that Christ calls His blood ‘the blood of the new testament.’ Christ made a will or testament, and gave rich legacies to the saints: pardon of sin, grace, and glory! The Scriptures are the scrolls wherein these legacies are registered. Christ’s blood is the sealing of the will. This blood being shed, Christians may put in for a title to all these legacies. ‘Lord, pardon my sin. Christ has died for my pardon. Give me grace; Christ has purchased it by His blood.’”